One of the best ways to learn genealogy research (second to practicing yourself) is through the accuracies, errors, and methods of other genealogists. Examples of genealogical research can be as simple as the finding and analysis of a certain record, to the research steps followed to successfully trace a family back through multiple generations. Each example, still, provides a look into research challenges that you may find yourself facing in your own genealogical research.
Example #1:
In this example, I will be researching and documenting the life of my great-aunt, Kay Nell HERMS. I began my research as always by constructing a genealogical research plan:
Document the life of Kay Nell HERMS.
- According to Ancestry (, the 1940 U.S. Census Index for Washington County, Texas lists Kay Nell HERMS with her parents Laura and Albert E. HERMS, Jr. Kay Nell was listed as having been born in Texas and was listed at age 3 months old (born 1940).
- According to an interview with my grandmother, Kay Nell died as a toddler.
- According to an interview with my grandmother, Kay Nell HERMS was buried in La Bahia Cemetery, Burton, Washington County, Texas. From the inscriptions: Our Darling Rest in Peace.
I know Kay Nell was most likely born in Washington County, Texas as per the 1940 U.S. Census where she was listed as only 3 months old. I also know that according to my grandmother she died as a toddler, meaning that there will not be many records pertaining to her. With that information in mind, I viewed birth and death records on Ancestry to gather more information regarding her life.
- View the actual 1940 U.S. Census to confirm the information from the index.
- Check the 1950 U.S. Census online to see if Kay Nell HERMS is listed and to confirm the hypothesis of her death before 1950.
- Search for Texas birth records online at either FamilySearch ( or Ancestry to learn an exact birthdate for Kay Nell.
- Search the online Find a Grave ( database on the chance that a record for Kay Nell HERMS is available.
- Search for Texas death records for Kay Nell HERMS online at FamilySearch or Ancestry. Look for the death date, as well as possible causes of death for Kay Nell.
In the above example, initial findings prompted an expansion of the original plan when the Find a Grave record for Kay Nell HERMS indicated that Kay Nell had died during a surgery of a tonsillectomy (her death certificate included her primary cause of death being a circulatory collapse). The contradicting information that Kay Nell’s primary cause of death was a circulatory collapse led my research to a newspaper obituary record confirming that Kay Nell did in fact die from a circulatory collapse, disproving the surgery of a tonsillectomy cause of death included in the Find a Grave record.
If your findings come back with contradicting or opposing facts when conducting your genealogical research, don’t despair. Instead, just expand your search and hypothesis to records that will verify or disprove one of the conflicting records.

Example #2:
Research Algene HERMS’ experiences in the U.S. Military.
- According to an interview with my grandmother, her brother Algene HERMS served in the U.S. Navy.
Since I don’t have very many known facts or identified sources to begin my research, I’ll start by searching online databases such as FamilySearch or Ancestry for military records related to Algene. I will then redefine my research strategy once I have gathered more information from these databases. Around the timeframe Algene served, it was common that many family members would want it known about their family members’ service in newspapers. Military services would also supply company wide updates in the newspaper as well, so I will use as well to check for any articles related about Algene’s service.
- Search FamilySearch and Ancestry for military records pertaining to Algene HERMS.
- Search the online Find a Grave database on the chance that a record for Algene HERMS is available. If so, Find a Grave may give more insight to his affiliation with the U.S. Navy.
- Check for any articles related to Algene HERMS.
After initial searches on FamilySearch and Ancestry, I came back empty-handed, but Find a Grave entry provided valuable information that could be used to refine my search such as the names of the ship and naval station he served. Find a Grave also mentioned that he was discharged from the Navy, which could also prove useful when researching using more specific information.
Databases like Find a Grave can be extremely useful when you’re unable to locate the information you’re searching for using main genealogy databases like FamilySearch and Ancestry. A huge reason for this is Find a Grave is a volunteer project, meaning people add information to the site. Information on Find a Grave is often uploaded by the individual’s family members, however this information might not always be correct (see the first example regarding Kay Nell’s cause of death). Genealogists recommend finding multiple sources of information if at all possible and this was a great example of the importance of it.

I also located a newspaper clipping from titled “Algene C. Herms Serves on Guam” that was most likely submitted by family members at the time. Algene serving on Guam was mentioned in the information I found on Find a Grave. Cross-referencing information across multiple sources is a great way to see if the information lines up or if there are any inconsistences in your research.
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